Vacancies in MahaTransco Sep09
Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd.
Employment Advertisement No. 6/2009
Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd., invites applications from the talented and professional persons for the following posts :
1. Assistant General Manager (HR) : 03 posts
2. Sr. Manager (HR) : 07 posts
3. Manager (HR) : 07 posts
4. Dy Manager (HR) - Trainee : 27 posts
5. Dy. Chief Security Officer : 01 post
6. Dy. Chief Vigilance Officer : 01 post
7. Assistant Chief Security Officer/ Assistant Chief Vigilance Officer : 05 posts
Application Fee : Candidates belonging to Open category shall furnish Demand Draft/ Pay Order of the value of Rs.600/- & Rs. 500/- ( as the case may be) and candidates from Backward Class categories i.e. SC,ST and the candidates belonging to VJ(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), SBC & OBC who are coming under the concept of “Non Creamy Layer” shall furnish Demand Draft/Pay Order of Rs.300/- & Rs. 250/- ( as the case may be) payable to the “Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company, Ltd. Mumbai” (MSETCL) drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Mumbai.
The demand draft/ pay order should have 6 months validity period.
How to Apply : Applications duly filled in prescribed format with attested copies of certificates should be submitted to the Post Box No. 27675, Malad (East), Mumbai-400097 only by ordinary post so as to reach on or before 07/10/2009.
Please view for full details and application form.
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